About 77% of all Internet users surf the Net with one of mobile devices – predominantly mobile phones …
Such striking information makes anyone who wants to be visible on the WEB keep in mind the requirements of OSs as Android or iOS. In other words, the responsive site design has become mandatory.
At the present, the official site of the project OOELA (Object Oriented English Language Approach) is under thorough reconstruction in a sense of the requirements presented above.
Thus, we beg our visitors for understanding and patience since the site is changing on a daily base.
Yet what is not a subject to change is that the material presented here is and shall always be free of charge to those thirsty of knowledge.
We welcome you into the world of Object Oriented English,
Project leader,
Dragan Radulovic
p.s. If you are eager to become one of OOELA jolly company, click here.