Lesson XXV: Object Hungry & Selfish Actions

B.2. RISE, RAISE & ARISE Base-AF Past-AF Have-AF Character RISE ROSE RISEN Selfish RAISE RAISED RAISED O-Hungry ARISE AROSE ARISEN Selfish Patterns: S-Block A-Block Rng-Block PrtY-Block ActL-Block The pressure HAS RISEN by 2% daily. Our wages ROSE last week. The water level HAS BEEN RISING sharply. My salary RISES every year. Peter IS RISING slowly. The coach RAISED JIM on his feet. JIM WAS RAISED on his feet. The manager RAISED THE WAGES last week. THE WAGES WERE RAISED last week. The winner RAISES THE FLAG every season. THE FLAG IS RAISED every season. The problem AROSE when she came. Exercise: B.2.1. Practice RISE Substitute the words and make necessary changes. For example: The inflation rose last year. this month THE INFLATION HAS RISEN THIS MONTH. is going to THE INFLATION IS GOING TO RISE THIS MONTH. In December THE INFLATION IS GOING TO RISE IN DECEMBER. will THE INFLATION WILL RISE IN DECEMBER. 1. the stock prices 10. since 2020 2. the wholesale prices 11. last week 3. the retail price 12. the wages 4. every month 13. this quarter 5. last year 14. the salary 6. every year 15. going to 7. the income 16. will 8. the revenue 17. every year 9. the profit 18. last season