Lesson XXIII: TO-HAVE-AF in the Receiving Block Position
D. TO-HAVE-AF in the Receiving Block Position Previous pattern: We like to speak about new ideas. They made him leave the country. I know gravity is one of elementary forces of Nature. New pattern: S-Block A-Block Receiving Block … … TO-HAVE-AF … Dr. Oswald seems TO HAVE HAD an interesting time. They appear TO HAVE LEFT the country. He seems TO HAVE BEEN BEING HIDDEN there for days. Donald appears TO HAVE BEEN STUDYING with her. Mr. Brown decided TO HAVE MADE his last sentence. Mr. Rumsfeld claims TO HAVE PURCHASED the land already. Exercise: D.1. Practice TO-HAVE-AF in the Receiving Block Position Use SEEM + TO-HAVE-AF to rephrase the statements. For example: Many people think that Dr. Hunter has published that paper already . DR. HUNTER SEEMS TO HAVE PUBLISHED THAT PAPER ALREADY. 1. It’s a popular belief that Commissioner Gordon put Joker under the lock and key. 2. Many believe Ali has married Marcia. 3. Many people think Popeye gunned down Frog. 4. The rumor comes around Mr. Cutter spoke to the mayor. 6. People talk of Mr. McCain drowned his sorrow in drink. 7. Many people believe Noam Cross raped his own daughter. 8. People talk of Mr. Eagle fell down the tree.
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