A. IF & UNLESS Previous patterns: I like to study WHEN the professor is here. I like to study WHILE the professor is here. I like to study BEFORE the professor is here. I like to study UNTIL the professor is here. I like to study AFTER the professor is here. New pattern: MSB … Action Condition … … Condition Statement John will stay home IF the weather isn't nice. John will stay home UNLESS the weather is nice. Exercise: A.1. Practice IF and UNLESS Substitute IF for UNLESS and vice versa. For example: John will buy a new bicycle unless he can fix his old one. JOHN WILL BUY A NEW BICYCLE IF HE CAN'T FIX HIS OLD ONE. John usually goes to the movies on Friday if he doesn't have to study. JOHN USUALLY GOES TO THE MOVIES ON FRIDAY UNLESS HE HAS TO STUDY. 1. John might go to New York unless it costs too much. 2. Paul will never know your name if you don't tell him. 3. I’m going to Florida unless I can get a good job here. 4. I can't buy a new bicycle if you don't give me some money. 5. Joe will come unless he has a date. 6. I can't work these problems if you don't help me. 7. John will call up Mary if he doesn’t go to NY. 8. I'll buy a bleeding edge computer if I don’t fail on my exams. 9. I don’t work in the garden if the weather isn’t nice. 10. I'll go to the movies if I finish my homework. 11. He won't study unless he has to.
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