Lesson X: Particles AT, ON,IN, INTO, etc.
3. Particles AT, ON, IN, INTO, etc. 3.1. Time and Addresses AT indicates a "point." John came here AT six o’clock, ON Tuesday, May first, IN June, IN 2006. He is living AT 106 (Hill Street), ON Hill Street, IN New York. Exercise: 3.1.1. Review Time Expressions Complete your statements beginning with HE LEFT … . Use no particles with time phrases like IN THE AFTERNOON, etc. For example: January HE LEFT IN JANUARY. 5:15 HE LEFT AT 5:15. March 3 rd HE LEFT ON MARCH THIRD. 1. 1998 5. in the afternoon 9. Sunday morning 2. Monday 6. at night 10. the day before yesterday 3. June 7. April 15 th 11. last Friday 4. June 8 th 8. 10 o'clock 12. a week ago Exercise: 3.1.2. Review Particles Related to Places Complete your statements beginning with SHE LIVES … . Do not use particles with the actionals like HERE, THERE etc. For example: home SHE LIVES AT HOME. Chicago SHE LIVES IN CHICAGO. 1. Main Street 6. the Hilton Hotel 2. the hotel 7. home 3. downtown 8. here 4. Florida 9. Mexico City 5. 26 Park Street 10. there
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