Lesson X: Comprehension
2. Comprehension Exercise: 2.1. Practice Comprehension Choose the correct answer. a. WATCH OUT ! b. LEAVE THE BOOK HERE! What does the speaker imply ? What does the speaker imply ? 1. Be careful! 1. To take the book. 2. Relax. 2. Not to take the book. c. PLEASE, KEEP AN EYE ON MY SUITCASE. d. I ' VE GOT HERE ON FOOT. What does the speaker imply ? What does the speaker imply ?? 1. To watch over his/her suitcase. 1. He came by bus. 2. To focus on reading the newspapers. 2. He walked. e. I ' VE BEGUN IT FROM SCRATCH. f. PLEASE, KEEP MY SEAT WARM. What does the speaker imply ? What does the speaker imply ? 1. He completed a half-done job. 1. He will be back soon. 2. He started a new job. 2. He is leaving the restaurant. g. HOW LONG DOES THE MOVIE TAKE ? h. I ' VE GOT A DAY OFF . What is the speaker interested in ? What does the speaker imply ? 1. Time. 1. He has to work. 2. Story. 2. He has time for fun. i. DON'T LET ME DOWN . j. TURN IT OFF . What do you conclude ? What does the speaker imply ? 1. He likes you. 1. To disconnect. 2. He does not like you. 2. To connect. k. TURN IT ON . l. LET IT DOWN . What does the speaker imply ? What does the speaker imply ? 1. To disconnect. 1. To increase. 2. To connect. 2. To decrease. →
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