LESSON IX: Vocabulary in Context
1. Review Dialogue Base-AF Past-AF Have-AF SHAKE SHOOK SHAKEN Situation: Edward is telling a story. Yesterday, my friend George and I walked downtown. We met my music teacher, Mr. Brown. I said, “Hello, Mr. Brown.“ He answered, “Hello, Edward. How are you?“ “Fine, thank you.“ I said, “I’d like to introduce my friend George Blue to you. George, this is Mr. Brown, my music teacher.“ Mr. Brown and George shook hands and said, “How do you do.“ After a few minutes George said, “I’m very happy to have met you, Mr. Brown.“ “It was nice meeting you, George. Edward, please say hello to your mother and father for me.“ “I will, Sir.“ 2. GET GET means arrive , obtain , receive , become . Situation: John meets his brother at the airport. John: Hello Pete, I’m sorry I’m late. When did you arrive? Pete: Hi, John. I GOT here at seven-thirty. We were half-hour early. John: Did you GET your suitcases? Pete: No, I didn’t pick them up. They are in the baggage room. John: I GOT your e-mail yesterday. Why did you come home? Pete: I GOT homesick. Exercise: 2.1. Practice GET Meaning Arrive Produce long answer with the fragment offered. For example: When did you get here? - 6:00 - I GOT HERE AT 6 O'CLOCK. How do you get here? -on foot- I GET HERE ON FOOT. 1. What time do you get to school/work every morning? -about 7:00- 2. What time did you get home yesterday evening? -about 11:00- 3. How are you going to get back home? -by bicycle- 4. How do your parents get to work? -on foot- Exercise: 2.2. Practice GET Meaning Obtain , R eceive Complete a long response. For example: What did you get at the store? - some groceries - I GOT SOME GROCERIES . Did you get a package ? -No, … just a letter - NO, I GOT JUST A LETTER . →
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